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Jimbo Jimmix
Player ID: 200948
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Regeneration : 17
Energetic immunity : 26
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 18
Initiative : 7
Defence : 21
Attack : 43
Luck : 8
Power : 9
Royal Guard
Principle of Imagination = 55
Darkness Principle = 4
Principle of Balance = 42
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Battle stats
Won: 112 | Lost: 136
Honor: 676
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Jose Antonio Jiménez Gallardo
Hi, I'm a roleplayer since more than 20 years. I was born in 1974 in the city of Valencia, (Spain eastcoast) and I live in the town of Quart de Poblet. I like videogames, comics, fantasy and sci-fi, and rock music...

Xijmim, the treasure hunter, had found an interesting clue. keeping the search, he get into an open area in the forest where he could see a huge gray tower. That was him target but, before he had to overcame three concentric gullies, with three bridges in poor state. The first one only had a colapsed area so he could get over with small jumps. the second one had huge holes so he could get over with bigger jumps. the third one was largely intact so he could cross step by step. Follow the way of Xijmim to win this challenge. Speak to me in game for get one more extra clue, the first one in send me a message with the answer will get the prize code.


Some of my creatures

I hate violence, religions and money...
In game I hate scammers and people than attack when you ask for don't be attacked. And lag of course...

Page 59 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
The piramid is empty on the inside. One single huge hall with openings to let light in. The overall feeling is majestic. Akasha steps carefully towards what seems to be sort of an altar in the center of the room. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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